
Simply Taught

United States - Michigan
Simply Taught
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"Simplicity is the essence of happiness." -Cedric Bledsoe
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My experience has come from 3+ years of in depth studying of many different elementary curriculums. I have bought many different materials in search of the best fit for my 4 boys who I homeschool. I am very excited about my recent spelling curriculum as I have created it myself based on what I believe works. All of the curriculum I bought was not clicking for me. These spelling lists are a whole lot of fun. Word families are not new - however, these lists will teach children to make the connection with letters and words in a fun and creative way. It's complete and will give any child a very solid foundation in spelling and or reading. I am also super excited about my multiplication flashcards. I am kind of amazed that nobody has created a concept quite like it. My now 4th grader was learning multiplication the traditional way (LOTS of worksheets). After a couple years of that and still not completely mastering it, I decided to come up with these picture multiplication flashcards. Boys need visual and hands on. The process becomes so simple with these flashcards. My now 2nd grader is using these to master multiplication. I am a stickler on knowing your facts in and out as it is the foundation for learning harder math.


Creative and Simple


Yet to be added


I love teaching and learning. I have worked with children and this process for many years in many different settings. I have 2 years of college. My highest level of math was college pre-calculus. I love teaching math, how to read, language arts, and writing. I was going to finish my degree when I became pregnant with our 4th son. Since then I have been buying up and studying tons of different curriculum all to discover that I wasn't thrilled about the majority of them. Since then I have been organizing and creating my own curriculum that WORKS. I absolutely love watching children learn. It is fascinating. I work with as many families as I can to help them get going in the process of homeschooling. Homeschooling is amazing in that it allows every child to move at their own pace. I also love homeschooling because every child is taught to be an individual and that their passion to learn can lead them anywhere they want to go in life.


I LOVE education!!!